The 4 Letter F Word

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Covid and quarantine. Hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes. Kobe, RBG and Don (not trump). It’s been a year of chaos, tragedy and loss. Grief, frustration, anger and sadness grip our lives. It’s a year like none that any of us have experienced and it seems as though we have lost all control… though we never really had control anyway, did we?

FEAR (yes, that’s the 4 letter F word) is griping our country. From the uncertainty of tomorrow to the fear of the election results. From the fear of not being able to pay the bills to the fear of saying the wrong thing and being ridiculed. But here is the bigger problem… fear fuels failure. When we are so mired in fear that we can’t even move forward, or dream of a better tomorrow, or make a decision for tomorrow, we are guaranteed failure.

So, what would you do if you weren’t afraid? And how can you get into that place? It’s time to face our fears head on. And it all begins with mindset. First, stop grumbling and get into gratitude. That’s the place to begin. What can you be grateful for today – even the littlest thing.

To help you with this, I’m offering a 30 day group program, Mindset Matters. This program will help you move past your fears and embrace your future. Now is the perfect time to sweep out the negative thinking and discover the abundance, giving you a solid foundation to leave 2020 behind and welcome 2021. Interested? Get the details at

In the meantime, grab a journal and start with a daily gratitude. Find something, ANYTHING to be grateful for – even if it’s just that the sun has risen again today. xo

Cathy Johnson

Cathy (Alessandra) Johnson, also known as The YES I CAN Coach, is a dynamic, innovative woman who inspires her women in the US and abroad into action. An entrepreneur for over 30+ years, Cathy has owned and published two magazines and has multiple best-selling books on Amazon with her third, Dare to Be You: You Were Born to Be Brave, Bold and Fabulous, released in the fall of 2019 and latest compilation book, YES YOU CAN, also on Amazon. She coaches entrepreneurs around the world using her signature YES Method tm.

Cathy is the CEO of The YES I CAN Coach (The M&C Johnson Group LLC) and has been featured on, and KFWB news radio in Los Angeles among others. She was nominated for the Los Angeles Business Journal “Women Making a Difference” award and others as well as receiving the President’s Call to Service Life-Time Achievement award for her philanthropic work. She is a Certified Business and Life Coach but more importantly, she has "been there”, “done that" and “walks her talk”. Her stories of challenge to celebration and struggle to success along with her implementable tips, tools and tricks will inspire you and/or your audience to say YES I CAN to creating a business and life they love.

Cathy is a Certified Life & Business Coach who works with women ready for transformation in their personal and professional life. Using the YES I CAN tools, your fear of “no i can’t” will become, YES I DID!


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