YES I CAN Programs & Services
We all have one thing in common... we want our lives to be the best version it can be. We are capable of adjusting and making transformations but sometimes we need a little nudge (or a big push) to get us to leave our comfort zone.
Significant, lasting change means stepping beyond your current way of life and embracing new habits. Your life is your signature creation! Create it to express yourself boldly.
Create what you love and love what you create.
It’s time to say YES to you!
Read on and explore the various options - from group coaching programs and retreats to private coaching and VIP days.
Can you afford not to? The YES Method™ coaching program, if followed, can deliver a positive return on your investment. During our coaching time together, we look at all areas of your personal and professional life. We can create a plan around your financial goals and put accountability checkpoints in place so that you are certain to hit your goals – as long as you do the work! We all know we need to invest money to make money and your life needs a solid foundation (much like a house requires) in order to build and evolve, so investing in yourself to ensure that your foundation is strong and optimal is paramount.iption text goes here
Our go-go-go schedules is a valid concern when considering coaching, but it’s also one of the very key reasons to manage your time more efficiently and find focus with a coach. In our initial session, we review and tackle time management strategies – assessing your priorities and creating a plan that allows for ample productivity with a “no-excuses” approach.xt goes here
Are you coachable? If you aren’t, coaching may not be right for you – but how do you even know the answer unless we talk? Coaching is a professional yet collaborative relationship that concentrates on your strengths and capabilities while simultaneously conquering whatever is preventing you from meeting your goals. I offer customized solutions based around your individual scenario. My YES Method™ breaks down the proverbial whale into bite-sized pieces with accountability to do the work that only you can do.
I walk my talk, that’s why! I don’t ask my clients to do something I have not done myself. Nothing irks me more than “coaches” who decide to just hang out their shingle because they think they can! I’ve been an entrepreneur for 30+ years and owned and sold a 6 figure business. I’ve walked through the journey of divorce, a family member abusing drugs, health challenges of my own and the list goes on. I have actual experience walking figuratively in your shoes – plus I went and got certified by the International Coach Federation.
Okay – I can understand that. That was my excuse for years and I thought and thought and thought. In the meantime, nothing changed because I couldn’t get off the fence and commit. Are you committed? Only you know! I only desire to work with those who are committed and willing to work on themselves. I can’t want it more for you then you want it for yourself. If you’d like to explore your options, let’s hop on the phone!
Disclaimer: I need to add the disclaimer that results are not guaranteed, simply put because I can’t be YOU. My goal is to help you discover and design your YES life providing you with the tools and assisting you with developing a plan all while supporting and cheering you on 100% through the process. YOU must do the work that only you can do to reach the YES prize.