5 Steps to a Healthier You

One BIG recommendation I give my clients every year when the New Year hits – don’t do too much, too soon!  Our lofty resolutions have us giving up every carbohydrate, every gram of sugar and exercising 7 days a week for 90 + minutes.  The reality is, if this is you, it will only last for a week, if that! 

Slow and steady, while it might seem lame and boring and never enough to see results, sticking with it, is what counts.  Let’s look at weight loss.  Which is better 10 pounds of crazy fast weight gone that returns the moment you eat anything other than your diet food OR 10 pounds that takes you three months to lose, and it STAYS off.  I am going with door #2.

Week 1 – two tips in one…

  • Drink!  Nope, not that type of drink.  Keep your water up.  Water flushes out toxins and extra water weight AND, keeps you from snacking when you are actually - thirsty and not hungry.

  • Write down your Goals! Knowing where you want to go, and seeing what that looks like, will make the next few weeks so much easier.

Week 2

  • Add in exercise snacks?  What are these?  Short workouts.  The key to working out is establishing a habit.  When you add in 5 minutes every day, and then 10, and it's consistent, you see better results than committing to 7 - one hour long workouts a week that you haven’t found the time for.  If you’ve already been exercising, up the intensity by 10%.

Week 3

  • Aim for at least one pound of fruits and veggies every day.  This tip keeps you full of fiber and less likely to grab those not so healthy treats during the day.  This one can seem hard, but it’s all about spacing them out.  Add veggies to a shake in the morning or scrambled with your eggs, have a side salad with your lunch and a large serving at dinner.  Need a snack – grab chopped veggies with a fat dressing (hummus, guacamole, nut butter).

Week 4

  • Now that we are exercising and rounding out our day with water and veggies it’s time to really look at what the rest of your nutrition looks like.  Focus on protein, veggies, fiber and greens at every meal.  Remove processed foods.  And keep tuning into these articles for more details on how to lose weight and keep it off so that you are radiantly confident in your every day life!

Corry Matthews

Corry Matthews is a champion health coach with over 20+ years experience.  A retired IFBB Pro athlete, Corry leverages her background & education in Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology, and 10+ certifications in nutrition and exercise science to create winning strategies for her clients.  Corry is the CEFO of Strength & Grace Fitness/Promotions, Co-Promoter of #MMVANPC (3 NPC Bodybuilding shows in VA) and the Co-Creator of the So You Want to Compete Program (an education program for new bodybuilding competitors) and See Beyond the Hill (a women’s empowerment event program). www.StrengthAndGraceFitness.com Social: @CorryMatthews  


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