Back to School Wellness

It's August, and that means that Back to School is just around the corner.  Are you feeling like you need a re-do after the summer when it comes to your health and wellness? Did you slack off a tad-bit too much this summer?  Enjoy a few too many treats at the pool or late nights watching movies with friends and family?  Maybe, a fun vacation full of goodies?  Over the next couple weeks all our kids, no matter how old they are, will be heading back to school, and for most of us, this means we are back to our nutrition, exercise and just as important, routine self care.

1 – You need YOUR workout!

Working out isn’t selfish or something that should be put off.  Your well being is key to keeping everyone in the family moving on the right path without total chaos.  Enjoy your workout, and be sure to schedule it in, just like soccer/football practice, cheerleading, swim, language lessons, tutor…whatever it might be that your kids are doing, your workout needs to have priority too!  And remember, this appointment is for the benefit of you and everyone around you! Your health is key to staying ahead of the fall season that turns into the super busy holiday season.

"I used to always work out right after I dropped my kids off at school…however, there were many times when I would have to skip it, due to a PTA meeting, school event, or earlier work appointment, and this left me feeling really frustrated. My solution – put my workout first thing in the morning. Yes, that 5am wake up call is painful, but a little me time before everyone else is awake is my new non negotiable!"

2 – Eat healthier to fuel everyone.

Too many times moms make one meal for their kids and another for their family.  With my clients – this is a no-no! The fastest way to get more time back in your day is to feed everyone the same healthy meal.  Kids learn by watching, and when they see you eating healthier they will too.  It might take time, but small little swaps will lead to big changes down the road.  And, for meals on the go, skip the drive-thru and make something ahead of time.  Your kids coaches and teachers will thank you for having them eat healthier.  Check out our site for over 100 recipes that are healthy and all approved by my kids.  And yes, in the fall – the crock pot, air fryer and casseroles are my friend.

3 – Self Care.

Nope – working out and eating healthier don’t count as self care.  You need dedicated self-care at least every.other week.  Even if it's just an hour alone in your bathroom while nobody bugs you, it needs to be something that energizes your soul.  Whatever it is…make it happen.

4 – Schedule It – Like Right Now!

I mentioned this above…but if you want ANYTHING to happen, it needs to be scheduled.  We schedule all of our kids stuff, so why not ours?  When I schedule out the chores or grocery shopping, I find pockets of time where I can take an extra breath and pick myself up and then go, go, go again!  I fought scheduling everything for so long, but now it’s my gift to myself.

Heck - think of it this way...everyone gets a fresh new start in the fall, including you!

Corry Matthews

Corry Matthews is a leading voice in fitness and wellness for women over 40, with a master’s degree in sports medicine and over a dozen professional certifications in fitness, nutrition, and wellness. With more than 25 years of experience, Corry specializes in empowering women to optimize their health through fitness, nutrition, and natural hormone balance. As the co-founder of Strength and Grace Fitness, she is passionate about helping women build strength, confidence, and vibrant health at every stage of life.

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