Distraction and Disbelief!
How many things grab for your attention, providing distraction each and every day? From unplanned disruptions to self-imposed distractions around the house or office (think social media scroll or the dirty dishes calling your name).
Distractions can cause you to easily derail and then call into question (disbelieve) your abilities, your dreams and your goals. Many allow distractions so that they don't have to deal with the limiting beliefs holding them back. Are you?
When you open the door to distraction and disbelief in yourself, your energy escapes and you won't fully invest (time, money, effort) in you. You are capable, MORE than capable. First step - become aware of your distractions (jot them down or make mental note) and put up a boundary around your disruptions (boundaries around social media time, toxic people,etc). Keep your eye on your dream. You are in control. You got this. YES YOU CAN!
#Believeinyourself #Trusttheprocess #Achievegreatness #yesyoucan