Do Not Disturb

How often do you find yourself in situations where the "do not disturb" sign is up? What do I mean? No, not in the hotel hallways - but in actual life!

With all the crazy-making stress in our current world, it's easy to go within or close the door and post the sign. It may be in the form of not returning phone calls or emails, it may mean not looking up or smiling as you pass by someone or it may mean saying "no" more than "yes" to being with people. Or maybe you put up your "do not disturb" sign without even knowing it?

What might be knocking that you are missing? A relationship? An opportunity?

I understand the "do not disturb". We are busy in our own worlds, doing what we think must be done, potentially getting irritated when we are disturbed. Maybe the disruption is an email that comes in and we need to switch gears at work, or that friend calls and really needs to talk when we are knee deep in a project, or our health is screaming at us loud and clear and you must get in some exercise. Or maybe … Spirit is nudging you into something new, or leading you to someone who needs you, or opening up an opportunity, or giving you a sign or a warning.

Life is short.
People are a priority.
Remember to remove your "do not disturb" sign often and peek out the door and down the hallway.
You don’t want to miss the exciting life waiting for you!


What’s Your Favorite Color?


A reason you can’t? Or your advantage? You decide.