Dreams! That’s where it starts!
Resolutions, intentions, goals. It's that time of year but the fact is, real change starts with a dream and knowing your why.
It may be a dream of starting a business or reaching the million dollar mark. It may be a dream of losing weight or running a marathon. It may be a dream of finding your soulmate or it may be a dream of financial freedom. But for a dream to become reality, there are steps to take.
First is dreaming BIG – and I mean starting with a detailed visualization of the outcome. This includes knowing your why. Why is it important. Why and how will it make your life better?
Once you have the dream, it’s time to create the intentions and goals. A goal describes what you want to do in the future. It focuses on external accomplishments and is something you can clearly check off a list, ie. “Lose 15 pounds by March 15th” or “Earn $5k per month”. An intention describes how you want to feel. Its focus is internal – on your relationship with yourself. The intention could be to feel joy filled or peaceful.
Goals then move to tasks and to-do’s. These begin with quarterly touchstones, monthly reviews, weekly work and daily to-do’s. I break this down and explain how in my 21 Days of YES I CAN.
You can reach your goals this year. And the dreams and intentions behind them will motivate you to continue with resilience, not resistance. If you’d like further support, click here and join me for the next 21 Days of YES I CAN to see real results and movement towards realizing your dream.