Feeling Stuck? Here’s Help!

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One of the things we are hearing more and more right now is that people are feeling stuck. They were counting on something changing and clearing and that hasn’t happened. It goes beyond the pandemic but stems from that in many cases.

Being stuck though isn’t anything new. We have all faced it before and will face it again many times over the course of our lives. So, it’s a good idea to know what to do when we’re faced with that conundrum.

When we find ourselves feeling stuck, I’ve found it useful to have a checklist of questions designed to help find the one log that is jamming our stream of action. Especially where I feel stuck around achieving a goal.

Here are some of my favorites. Use them to self-coach your way out of "stuck" and onward to success!

The first step is to be clear (and honest) about where you feel stuck. Is it in your work? Your finances, health? Remember, as with any coaching tool, the more specific you are the more powerful the exercise will be. Then get started!

#1 Are you crystal clear about what you want?  Sometimes we don't know the first step because we don't have a clear direction.

#2 What have you done so far? There's an assumption that if you're "stuck" that you started.  If you haven't started, go back to the first question!

#3 If you started and stopped, why did you stop? This is a key step.  Did other priorities take over? Did you get overwhelmed? Examine why you stopped because if you know that and can deal with that, you will re-start with greater ease and be better prepared to prevent getting stuck again.

#4 What is one thing you know you can do today to move forward? There is always something.  It can and should be a small step.  Those are the most effective.  And you will know what it is.

#5 Who has already done what you want to do? Having an example to follow can save you time and give you a clear starting point. Just make certain they have in fact done what you want to do. Find out what they did FIRST!

#6 What options haven’t you considered?  Why not?  Even the impossible ones! There are always one or two options that we immediately dismiss out of hand.  Go back and look at those options.  Make sure that if you believe they won't work you ask yourself why.  What if it could work? What would my next step be? Quite often we find they will work.

#7 What decision have you been avoiding? It's last on the list because if you've gotten this far, somewhere there was a decision to be made that you avoided.  What is that decision? Why are you avoiding it? What can you do to give yourself permission to make it?

Somewhere in these seven questions you are going to find the one thing that is the ideal "unstuck" remedy for you every time. And here’s an insight: it can and will change. But once you tackle the right question– the rest are going to fall away, and you will once again be on your way!

Each of us gets “stuck” for different reasons in different situations.  There have been times that I know I didn’t move forward because I was not willing to let go of something to move forward. 

#6 can bring about very new possibilities. Ideas are sometimes not considered because they failed in the past or just seemed like too great a risk.  But times change and so do we.  Just because something failed in the past does not mean it will fail now. One of my clients had applied for a business loan years before and was turned down and was not even considering a small business loan for a new venture idea.  When we talked about what had changed since the original loan was declined and even talked about why the original loan was declined it was clear that the situations were very different. She applied and was funded!  It's an important step.

Here’s my challenge to you:  Take stock of where you are in every area of your life.  Where are you not moving forward?  Focus there and go through these questions.  Amaze yourself!  Because you were born to be amazing! And if you're ready for a possibility partner, let me know!

Kathi Laughman

Kathi works alongside business owners as their possibility partner to create the impact for good they want to have in the world. As a result, her clients and community realize greater satisfaction from their work and more value from the rest of their stories than they ever dreamed possible.

She is also a best-selling author and co-author. Her books, including Adjusted Sails: What does this make possible? are available on Amazon. She holds an honors degree in Organizational Psychology and Certification as an Executive Coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

For meaningful story lessons and early access to her work with multiple online publications, subscribe to her popular weekly newsletter. As a member of her Possibility Seekers community, you can also join her book launch teams and learn about exclusive mastermind groups available for companies ready to step into the missions their businesses make possible.

Here is the link where you can learn more about working with Kathi and connecting on social media.




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