Being Magnetic on LinkedIn

debbie mccormick linkedin november.jpg

This month’s edition of:THE LINKEDIN DEAR DEBBIE

Just send your burning 🔥 LinkedIn questions to, subject Dear Debbie.

Dear Debbie:
I once heard you talk about the seven things that make a good profile, but I can’t find my notes about them. Would you explain what they are again?

~ Cheryl G.

Hi Cheryl! I’d be happy to do that.


First, let me explain what a “magnetic” profile is, because that will lead me right into the first essential.

By a magnetic profile, I mean that the profile is written in a way that attracts the people who are looking for someone who does what you do right to your profile. That’s done through using Keywords.

So …

Essential #1 = KEYWORDS

Keywords are just search terms. A keyword can be a phrase or a single word.

Let me use myself as an example:
Say you’re looking for a professional LinkedIn profile writer. So you go to Google, the LinkedIn search box or another search engine, and you type in “LinkedIn Profile Writer.” For you, the one doing the searching, that’s a search term, or keyword.

If I don’t have that search term/keyword LinkedIn Profile Writer in my profile, the little search spiders won’t match your search to my profile, and I’ll stay invisible to you … which would be a shame, because LinkedIn profile writing is one of the things we do really well. :)

But if my profile does contain the phrase/keyword) “LinkedIn profile writer,” then the little spiders will gleefully match my profile with your search, giving you the chance to read about me and what I do. And I’ll have the chance to meet you and tell you about the different ways I can be of service to you.

Keywords make the difference between your profile being visible and invisible.

Next time I’ll tell you about Essential #2: Optimizing your keywords. Little preview: not all real estate is equal in a LinkedIn profile, so where you put your keywords is very important.

Thank you for your request, Cheryl!

Submit your questions to, subject: Dear Debbie

Debbie McCormick

Debbie McCormick, once the staff writer for a U.S. Congressional campaign, is a LinkedIn marketing expert, branding pro and an award-winning speaker. Her best-selling book, The LinkedIn Manual for Rookies, is the all-things-LinkedIn resource she wishes she’d had when she was learning how to use the site.

I’ll be writing a monthly column called Dear Debbie for this fabulous new magazine. If you have a question about LinkedIn, just send it over to

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