Out With The Old, In With The Bold
Here you are. Ready to step into your boldness. Now what?
How do we let go of what we’ve been and let our bold selves show up?
It’s going to be different for each of us because of our unique perspectives and approach to life. But you take the first step when you recognize a difference between how much life is possible and how much you are settling for.
But what is behind the idea of settling? It’s not all bad. Sometimes it’s a better choice to let things be. But this goes deeper. It speaks to the dangers of too much compromise and not enough fight!
As I thought about this, what came to mind was the importance of recognizing when it is happening. That’s the key to finding where to begin.
Wisdom from Thomas Edison prompted this personal inquiry for me with this statement:
“When you think you have exhausted all of the possibilities, remember this: You haven’t!”
While many factors might create a limited perspective of what is possible and hold us back, here are five places to begin:
1. Our Beliefs
2. Our Choices
3. Our Circle
4. Our Practices
5. Our Purpose
When you read that list, do you recognize a place where you are limiting yourself? Begin your journey into bold there.
What do you believe about yourself? Are you limiting what you can do by not even trying? You may not be able to do something now, but that isn’t the same thing as never being able to do it.
What choices have you given yourself? Are you looking beyond the usual suspects for your options? Are you looking for a new approach, a new way to achieve what you want? Remember, if you’re only choosing between A and B, you’re likely missing the best choices before you even choose!
Who is in your circle, and are they encouraging and challenging you to boldness? It’s hard enough sometimes to fight our inner critic! We don’t need any other negative voices in the conversation.
What daily practices are you using to achieve your goals? Have they gotten stale and ineffective? Is it time for a change in your routines?
When everything is said and done, what is it all about? Do you limit your vision of the impact you can have in the world? In my work with companies striving to create good in the world, this is often a place we look first. When we begin to believe in something beyond ourselves, it can foster great boldness.
Are you ready? Ready to say: “Out with the old!” and “In with the bold!”?
If you would like help exploring what that means for you and discovering your best place to start, let’s talk!