Publish On LinkedIn To Establish Your Expertise

Publishing on LinkedIn to establish yourself as an expert in your field is actually easy and simple. Doing it on a consistent basis over the necessary amount of time can be a challenge, but you can make it fairly easy with planning and tenacity.

Let’s start with your goal in publishing consistently.

You have the choice of being passive or active on LinkedIn.

Having an excellent profile on LinkedIn is the foundation for everything you do on the site (I’ll be writing about what a great profile entails later this month), and if that’s all you want, a presence that reflects well on you and your products, that’s the passive role.

Being active also involves having a great profile as your foundation, your Wikipedia page if you will, but you are doing more: searching for your ideal clients to make contact with them, publishing regularly so that people inside and outside your immediate network can see that you’re an expert.

So what do I say, you ask.

I teach my clients to take one gem of information, out of all the things you know about your subject, one little gem and teach that.

Like I’m doing here for you – just like this. I’m giving you useful info on how and why to publish and not asking for anything in return. (When it comes time to spiff up your profile, who are you going to reach out to for assistance. Hopefully the little LinkedIn angel who gave you so much free information :).

So for one post, you explain one little bit of your business. And remember, you’re not writing to everyone on LinkedIn … you’re writing to your ideal client. So you tailor your writing to him/her. Explain something useful for them to know about this little part of what you do.

The next time you publish, you tell them about another little part of what you do.

Wash, rinse and repeat three to four times/week.

What you share doesn’t always need to originate in your brain. You can share helpful posts from other sources.

Once in a while you can share something you read that resonated with you about business in general or success mindset … if it helped you, maybe it would help your IC. See?

The more you’re in front of your IC’s eyeballs, letting them know that you are there to share your expertise, the more you will become known for same. That engenders trust, and everyone wants to do business with those they trust to come through for them.


Debbie answers your LinkedIn questions every week here in YES I CAN Living Magazine. Write to her at, subject LINKEDIN QUESTION.

For further help or support from her, you can schedule a one-on-one Profile Review at

You can also connect with her here:



Debbie McCormick

Debbie McCormick, once the staff writer for a U.S. Congressional campaign, is a LinkedIn marketing expert, branding pro and an award-winning speaker. Her best-selling book, The LinkedIn Manual for Rookies, is the all-things-LinkedIn resource she wishes she’d had when she was learning how to use the site.

I’ll be writing a monthly column called Dear Debbie for this fabulous new magazine. If you have a question about LinkedIn, just send it over to

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