Social Media Confusion? What’s Best for Your Business!

There are many social media platforms to choose from, aren’t there? It can be confusing to the point of wanting to throw up your hands and refuse to deal with it.

And there are multiple times that many “gurus” telling you what platforms you MUST use for your business to be a success.

So for you entrepreneurial ladies, especially if you’re just starting your adventure, I’m gonna give you the skinny on social media, then let you know how to become known as an expert in your field in just a minute.

Okay, what platforms you need to be on:

1.        If your business is a neighborhood endeavor, you want to be on Instagram, possibly Pinterest and definitely Yelp.

If you’re into Google Reviews, use that too. (I personally don’t pay any attention to them … I choose everything new from Yelp. But that’s just me.)

Example: if you own a nail salon and your clientele is strictly from your surrounding neighborhood, then your “product” is a visual one. Choose the platforms that have influence locally, are more visual than educational (in this example), and post new photos regularly.

2.       If your business serves a wider area than your neighborhood, anywhere from a greater metro area to a global endeavor, then you need to be on LinkedIn first. It should be one of the foundations of your marketing strategy (the other being your website).

Here are the three major reasons why:

1.        LinkedIn is all business, all the time. No kids’ photos, no chili recipes. If you’re on LinkedIn, it’s because you want to do business. If someone wants to do business with you, your LinkedIn profile will be near the top of search results for your name.

2.       LI is the only platform that gives you the forum to explain who you are, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. It’s like your Wikipedia page. If your profile is written correctly (and there is an art to writing a LI profile), the reader can really get a sense of who you are and how compatible you’d be working together.

3.       THIS IS THE BIG ONE: LI is the only platform where you can become known as an expert in your field without spending a dime.

Let me explain:

Because you can publish posts and videos on LinkedIn whenever you desire, and …

Because you can become connected with nearly anyone you want to on LinkedIn (remember, your posts come up on the feeds of your direct, or first degree, connections) …

You can publish to your potential ideal clients any day you want to without needing to do any paid advertising.

Get in front of your people often enough, giving them helpful information without asking anything in return, and you’ll be top of mind when they’re in need of what you offer.


Debbie will answer your LinkedIn questions every week here in YES I CAN Living Magazine. Write to her at, subject LINKEDIN QUESTION.

For further help or support from her, you can schedule a one-on-one Profile Review right on her calendar at

You can also connect with her here:



Debbie McCormick

Debbie McCormick, once the staff writer for a U.S. Congressional campaign, is a LinkedIn marketing expert, branding pro and an award-winning speaker. Her best-selling book, The LinkedIn Manual for Rookies, is the all-things-LinkedIn resource she wishes she’d had when she was learning how to use the site.

I’ll be writing a monthly column called Dear Debbie for this fabulous new magazine. If you have a question about LinkedIn, just send it over to

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