Which of these did you most need to hear?

Well placed words are a currency for me beyond many other forms. Invested and spent well, they can and do work miracles.

Those moments when you find words that jump off the page (or screen) and grab you by the heart are magical. They continue to echo their wisdom and stay with us.

They may seem random on the surface, but I’ve come to think of them as seeds that were planted so that they would bloom at just the right time for me to savor them.

These seven insights come from some of those moments for me.

  • Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. (G.K. Chesterton)

  • You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.  (Thomas Merton)

  • If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.  (Jay Shetty)

  • To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.  (Jules Wyman)

  • I reserve the right to evolve. What I think and feel today is subject to revision tomorrow.  (Laurence Overmire)

  • Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.  (Eckhart Tolle)

  • I will not waste time on second thoughts. My life will not be an apology. It will be a statement. (Andy Andrews)

 Perhaps one of these was planted there for you as well. I’m loving the last one just now. Which resonates with you?

Kathi Laughman

Kathi works alongside business owners as their possibility partner to create the impact for good they want to have in the world. As a result, her clients and community realize greater satisfaction from their work and more value from the rest of their stories than they ever dreamed possible.

She is also a best-selling author and co-author. Her books, including Adjusted Sails: What does this make possible? are available on Amazon. She holds an honors degree in Organizational Psychology and Certification as an Executive Coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

For meaningful story lessons and early access to her work with multiple online publications, subscribe to her popular weekly newsletter. As a member of her Possibility Seekers community, you can also join her book launch teams and learn about exclusive mastermind groups available for companies ready to step into the missions their businesses make possible.

Here is the link where you can learn more about working with Kathi and connecting on social media.


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