3 Random Men
Ok, maybe they weren’t random, but a star in the sky drew some men (aka The Magi or The Three Wisemen) to follow and find what was calling to them. I'm not sure we know how long they walked or the hills and valleys they traversed... but they felt a divine calling and followed.
That got me thinking about “the star" - or a divine YES - in our own lives. Is there a star in your life that you feel called to find or follow? A star that may lead you through peaks and valleys, with no certainty of what will actually be there if and when you get to where you are being led?
I believe that a star lights and guides the way. It's the "calling", yearning and nudges I keep talking about. It's something so bright in our lives that we can't help but see it. Yet many, including myself over the years, will put on blinders - scared of what it will truly mean, how life might change, the work that must be done or the fears that must be faced.
This morning as I read my devotions and prepare for this coming week of Christmas, I am reminded to follow the star and be hopeful in looking ahead. I have ideas and plans, but only He knows the steps ahead of me. My job is to take the first step and then I believe the next step will be made clear. It's to walk in hope - surrendering, trusting, and staying peaceful.
How does YES I CAN fit into this?
A divine YES is not self-serving or self-ish. It's saying YES to following the star and discovering where you are being led. It's saying YES to the call or nudge. It's saying YES to being the best you can be so that you can show-up and serve as only you are being called to do.
Believe - Yes I Can
Commit - Yes I Will
Act - Yes I Did
I'm guessing these three wise men had no idea of the impact they would make. There is scripture, songs, storybooks and even artwork about them. Can you imagine if they decided the walk was too long? Or that the star couldn’t possibly for them? But their divine YES can be a lesson to each of us to follow the guiding star.
Wishing you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! xo, Cathy