A Beautiful Mess

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I love a good story, especially one with a happy ending. And, true confessions, I’m a passionate fan of any Hallmark movie ever made.  Basically, Hallmark Christmas movie marathons are my happy place! Most of those movies are so predictable and have the same plot: Girl meets boy, boy disappoints girl due to a miscommunication, girl discovers the truth, girl and boy reunite, movie ends with a kiss.  Simple and always with a happy ending.  I think the world needs more happy endings, don’t you?

But most importantly, I love a good story that is authentic. One that shares from the heart.  One that not only shows the struggle, but shows the beauty of the journey, because that’s what’s important.

The beauty of your journey has value because that’s where you find out who you are and develop the character and the passion you will need to fuel your journey. 

And truthfully, it might show up as a beautiful mess, but it’s YOUR mess.  It’s YOUR story and it has value because it reflects the value of the one who created you, and he didn’t create a mess.  He created something beautiful and priceless.

You are a spiritual being, and you were created to tell your priceless story in whatever form or platform that suits you and aligns with your season in life.  So, pay attention to the ways you can tell your story right now, in this season of life. 

Some of you will tell your story through the work you do as an entrepreneur or business owner as you come up with creative solutions to existing problems. Some of you will tell your story by the work you do wherever you are employed or ministering at.  Some of you will tell your story through the way you nurture those around you in your family.  Some of you will tell your story as you step out and courageously make a career or family change.  Some of you will tell your story as a creative free flowing spirit on to the next big adventure.

The thing we all have in common is that we need to tell our story wherever we are in the journey, and wherever we have the most impact and influence. Whether it is at your place of employment, your family dinner table, or the local coffee shop, you are positioned right now in a place of impact and influence because someone there needs to hear your story.

However you choose to tell your story is fine. Just get out there and live your life so that you can share the value of your story. Don’t let anything hold you back from living the life that you were designed to live.  Don’t be afraid to share those big dreams out loud because you never know who is listening, or who is ready to help you take the next step. 

Every experience you’ve had has value even if you don’t think your story is worth telling.  Your story is your message, your divine message.  Your story honors your past and can help determine your mission.  As your story unfolds, you will begin see life patterns and clues that will help you to define how to walk out your destiny.  It will start connecting you to resources and people who can help you.  It’s all a part of your DNA, and a story that’s already been written in heaven, now it’s just time for you to walk it out here on earth. 

And I’m waiting! I’m waiting to hear your story.  I’m waiting to see the beauty of YOUR journey so that I can be inspired to continue walking out MY journey.  It’s all about destiny my friend.  And your unique story is a beautiful destiny just waiting to be fulfilled, beautiful mess and all!


Kristi Lynn Olson is a Spiritual Lifestyle coach, mentor, and speaker who teaches female solopreneurs how to discover their destiny and strategically become women of influence and impact in the marketplace. She is passionate about helping other high achieving women redefine the core of who they are designed to and discover their Destiny Map.  She empowers women to get a fresh perspective of their unique assignment in the world and creates a master plan for them to carry out their calling and design a lifestyle they love. Connect with Kristi on Instagram & Facebook @KristiLynnOlson

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