Decoding Holiday Stress

Beneath the holiday sparkle, stress often weaves an invisible thread through our days. The quest for the perfect gift, the social marathon of holiday gatherings, and juggling the symphony of life—work, family, health—can feel overwhelming.

 🌟 Your 5-Step Stress-Soothing Blueprint:

  1. Craft Your Joy-Filled Agenda:

    • Strategy: Transform your schedule from a tightrope into a spacious path. Handpick events and activities that resonate with your holiday spirit, allowing breezy gaps for sweet, unscripted moments. Balance, not busyness, lets the holiday magic in.

  2. Embrace Micro-Mindfulness Techniques:

    • Strategy: Infuse pockets of peace into your day with mini mindfulness escapes. Deep breaths, a tension-melting muscle relaxation sequence, or an energizing dash around your neighborhood can be your stress kryptonite.

  3. Design a Social Media Sanctuary:

    • Strategy: Set a digital curfew on social media to shelter your peace. Carve out deliberate times to scroll, and let the rest of your day be inhabited by real laughs, conversations, and connection.

  4. Foster a Community of Cheer:

    • Strategy: Share the holiday to-do's with your tribe. Transform tasks into joyous activities. Cooking becomes a dance party, and decorating turns into storytelling time. Shared efforts kindle collective joy.

  5. Curate Your Personal Calm-Nook:

    • Strategy: Dedicate a snug spot in your abode to tranquility. Outfit it with comfort—a plush throw, serene tunes, or scents that whisper peace. When the holiday hustle knocks, this nook will be your haven.

Pro Tip: Harness the Power of 'No':

Remember, 'No' is a full sentence, wrapped with respect for your well-being. Embrace its simplicity when needed. It’s the envelope that contains your peace, delivered with grace. Everyone will still bask in the holiday glow, promise!

May your holidays be less about the rush and more about savoring each precious, festive heartbeat.

Corry Matthews

Corry Matthews is a champion health coach with over 20+ years experience.  A retired IFBB Pro athlete, Corry leverages her background & education in Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology, and 10+ certifications in nutrition and exercise science to create winning strategies for her clients.  Corry is the CEFO of Strength & Grace Fitness/Promotions, Co-Promoter of #MMVANPC (3 NPC Bodybuilding shows in VA) and the Co-Creator of the So You Want to Compete Program (an education program for new bodybuilding competitors) and See Beyond the Hill (a women’s empowerment event program). Social: @CorryMatthews

Cathy and the 5 cups: Living Intentionally


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