Do You Really Need a Graphic Designer?

There are a lot of talented, visual people running their businesses, and as entrepreneurs we wear a lot of different hats. From finance to time management to production, we want to control almost everything in our business. That desire for control is often why we started our own business in the first place. 

When it comes to the visual front door of your business, you can find plenty of resources to help you create designs for your branding, social media and promotions: Canva, Adobe, Google Fonts, Shopify and Venngage to name a just a few  - and let’s make no bones about it, they’re pretty user-friendly and definitely a lot of fun to toy around with.

 But, as the saying goes, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

 Here are areas when you just might want to call in a professional graphic designer to do the heavy (design) lifting:

  •  Developing your branding: Experienced graphic designers stay informed of trends in color, font and layout, and more importantly help you avoid the pitfalls of implementing a dated, inappropriate or overused design element. They have exposure to it every day and will make sure your brand is fresh and unique.

  • Creating a uniform brand statement: Designers run across an endless array of design challenges, and chances are good that they can bring unique and effective suggestions for ways to expand the reach of your brand.

  • Formatting files for print: Files that are going to be sent to a printer require many seemingly insignificant details, but mistakes with these files will create output that can be unappealing and expensive. Moreover, a designer can be the liason between you and the production folks.

  • Formatting files for virtual use: Just like with print files, documents with links and embedded information can run smoothly – or not at all. A pro will get you up and running seamlessly.

  • The creative process: Most of my clients find it enlightening to spend time talking about their business, and sometimes I see the light bulbs illuminate in the process. New avenues open up. A graphic designer can be your sounding board, maybe even a little bit of a shoulder to lean on.

 I love it when my clients come to me having done some research and tinkering, and we can continue the conversation together. I see my role as bringing your vision to life as a visual solution so we can strategize the growth of your business. Two heads are better than one.

Janice Walters

The mission of Gallardo Graphics is to enhance your business and customer base through impressive visual solutions. These solutions include custom logos, web design, as well as print and digital marketing materials and promotional items. All created by an expert graphic designer in Los Angeles. After all, you only have a moment to wow a prospect. Your business needs to make a bold and immediate statement that conveys your brand’s essence and promise. We have the experience and can help you stand out in a crowd.

Janice Walters founded Gallardo Graphics in 2004 in response to her fascination with the power of visual concepts, particularly effective branding and logo design. A graduate of the University of California Berkeley, Janice spent more than 20 years in marketing and sales, primarily in commercial interiors and architecture, home goods and fabric design. Working side-by-side with some of the nation’s most creative architects and designers, Janice’s appreciation of powerful design statements blossomed. Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to branch out on her own as a graphic designer in Los Angeles. And so, Gallardo Graphics was born. Check out our portfolio to view some of our favorite projects.

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