DWF seeking LTR

Life lessons from dating? YES! Does it conjure up visions of fabulous dinners and walks on the beach? Or coffee dates you can’t wait to finish?

Let’s face it… there are many life lessons to be learned from it, even if you aren’t in the dating world!

I’ve been divorced 5+ years. I’ve had my fair share of dates and even a longer term relationship. It’s meeting and sharing (but not too much), texts and phone calls (but what are the “rules” anyway) and more.

One thing I am very clear on… I am who I am, and trying to fit into someone else’s mold is not going to work, for either party. (think square peg, round hole, and keep your mind out of the gutter!)


Just as a business owner, you must start by knowing…

-who you are (values)

-what you want (dreams and goals)

-where you’ll compromise (but no sacrifice of self, which is different than compromise)

-the non-negotiables (don’t sell yourself out!)

When the other person talks non-stop about themselves, run. It’s all about what’s in it for them with very little hope of ever being heard.

When the other person is unwilling to even entertain your perspective, run. There is no chance of collaboration because your core values won’t ever align.

When you get ghosted, don’t chase. You are worth so much more!

Somehow I have every dating app popping up everywhere now… and I’ll continue to explore. I know I will find my man, and clients… but I also know they love me for who I am and what I bring to the relationship, whether love or coaching.

These are life lessons for all… not just the DWF in search of a LTR!


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