The End of Summer 2020

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Labor Day weekend. New shoes, new outfits, and the usual trip to Target for school supplies, picking out new backpacks and crayons and lunch boxes; ... and yet, here we are.... ground hog day.

Labor Day has always been the start of a new "season" for me... back to school, back to business, finish the year strong. And yet this year, it's different. Another reminder that our "routines" are no longer routine. I mean truthfully, did summer ever start? And now it’s ending.

I know many children and families are struggling with virtual classrooms, I know we question the uncertainty of how things will unfold with the impending election, I know many are looking at 2021 and seeing either a bright spot that things will be different and better or a dark cloud of ambiguity, afraid of how life will change.

YOU have a choice, everyday. To find your new normal, to create a new rhythm, to honor your feelings of sadness and loss and to be in gratitude for the new experiences. It's important we acknowledge those around us too, including our children, that their feelings matter.

Life's joys will come from what we make of our circumstances. There are positives from the pandemic. There are lessons we can take forward. And the longer we lament the losses without looking for and being in gratitude for those gains, the harder it is to embrace the future.

We can work to change our outlook. We can make a difference in the world. We can strive to be the best version of who we are meant to be. We can be there for each other. We can show love, kindness, compassion, mercy and gratitude - to ourselves and those around us.

Enjoy the long weekend. xo

Cathy Johnson

Cathy (Alessandra) Johnson, also known as The YES I CAN Coach, is a Certified Life Coach and a dynamic, innovative woman who inspires women in the US and abroad into action. An entrepreneur for over 30+ years, Cathy has owned and published two magazines and has multiple best-selling books on Amazon with her third, Dare to Be You: You Were Born to Be Brave, Bold and Fabulous, released in the fall of 2019 and latest compilation book, YES YOU CAN, also on Amazon. She coaches entrepreneurs around the world using her signature YES Method tm.

Cathy is the CEO of YES I CAN Living and has been featured on, and KFWB news radio in Los Angeles among others. She was nominated for the Los Angeles Business Journal “Women Making a Difference” award and others as well as receiving the President’s Call to Service Life-Time Achievement award for her philanthropic work. She is a Certified Life Coach but more importantly, she has "been there”, “done that" and “walks her talk”. Her stories of challenge to celebration and struggle to success along with her implementable tips, tools and proven strategies will inspire you and/or your audience to say YES I CAN to creating a life they love.

Cathy is a Certified Life Coach who works with women ready for transformation in their personal and professional life. Using the YES I CAN tools, your fear of “no i can’t” will become, “YES I DID”!

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