Fear? Don’t Let It Stop You

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What do you do when fear rears its head? Do you work really hard to make it go away or do you let fear stop you in your tracks?

Either way, fear wins.

What if there was a third way? A more effective way? A more transcended way?

I am here to tell you that there is!

Here’s the thing to understand. When you have a big, bold dream, fear is part of the equation. You are effectively raising your hand for something far beyond anything you have known for yourself before. It demands that you step out into the unknown and risk everything that is important to you. That very fact alone will evoke fear.

The mistake that people make is that they wait for the fear to go away before they make their move. But rather than trying to make it go away, you can learn to honor the fear then corral it so it does not have the power to stop you!

Again, fear means that you are dancing on the border of what has been with the new territory of possibility. It is actually something to celebrate because it is evidence that you are stepping out in a big, bold way.

So, here are some steps to corral your fear so it actually fuels you rather than stopping you.

First of all, you want a dream that you are so in love with that you HAVE to do it. You want something that will evoke such a burning desire that it will be bigger than the fear.

It takes courage to dream beyond anything that you have known for yourself before. It takes courage to let yourself have a burning desire. In addition, very few people really know how to let themselves have a burning desire for anything.

It is amazing how people will go to great lengths to avoid disappointment. Having a burning desire means that you make yourself vulnerable to being let down. This fear alone is enough to stop most people in their tracks.

But not you! You know you are meant for something so much bigger. This means that you have to be willing to WANT it with all of your heart.

In order to let yourself want something so intensely, you have to understand where desire comes from. What is the source of your desire? Understand that desire is not your desire. It is Life itself seeking a richer, freer expression through you and by means of you. Your dream is Life’s dream dreaming through you. When you really realize this, you will start letting yourself have a bigger dream.

Now, this does not mean that fear will go away. Fear will be a factor as you build your big, bold dream! The goal is not to eliminate the fear rather it is to sequester the fear. Here’s a technique that I learned from my mentor that is immensely helpful when fear starts talking.

When the fear shows up, you do what I call, “Make a date with doubt.”

Here’s what you do. You literally put a date with your doubt on the calendar. You write on your calendar, “Date with Doubt.”

Then, you keep that date. When you sit down with your doubt at the appointed time, let your fear talk, no holding back. Pour all of those fears and scary thoughts on paper.

Then, after you have exhausted your fear, ask these 3 questions:

1. Is my worst fear happening right now? Chances are it is not happening right now.

2. If my worst fear does happen, will my God and I be able to handle it? You stay there until you have a solid yes! Pay attention to how Love’s presence is showing up for you and open your eyes to how it is always active in your life.

3. Do I want it to happen:? Really good chance your answer will be no here.

Once you get a no, yes, no-shift your focus back to your vision. Remind yourself why you are in love with your vision and take one action step to really ground this process.

As you build your dream, you may need to put a date with doubt on the calendar on a regular basis so when it wants to talk to you at any time you don’t want to hear from it, you can simply say, “Nope! Not talking to you right now. We have a date at this time.” Then bring your focus back to something that is a whole more interesting and fun, which is your vision.

As you work with these ideas over and over again, watch as you grow in your courage and confidence. You are acting even if a part of you is afraid. You let the bigger part of you take the lead and your world around you begins to change accordingly.

Felicia Searcy's purpose is her passion: to empower you to discover and express your best self as you live the life you love. She is an award winning transformational coach, international speaker, author and minister who has helped thousands create a path for living their dream life. For over 20 years, Felicia has worked with people from all walks of life who are seeking the spiritual side of success. As a highly sought after international speaker, she has shared the stage with powerhouse leaders like international speaker, Mary Morrissey; Founder and CEO of eWomen Network, Sandra Yancey and international, motivational speaker, Les Brown. Felicia’s proven “Dream Activation Code” helps folks just like you, accelerate your results as you create a richer, more fulfilling life. You can reach her at www.feliciasearcy.com.

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